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Date | Time | Volume | Order Volume | Price |
06/11/2024 | 18:43:31.870 | 55 | 23.60 | |
55 | 23.60 | |||
55 | 23.60 | |||
06/11/2024 | 17:29:45.135 | 400 | 23.70 | |
400 | 23.70 | |||
400 | 23.70 | |||
06/11/2024 | 16:44:43.153 | 150 | 23.95 | |
150 | 23.95 | |||
150 | 23.95 | |||
06/11/2024 | 16:39:21.081 | 29 | 23.95 | |
29 | 23.95 | |||
29 | 23.95 | |||
06/11/2024 | 16:03:35.705 | 50 | 23.70 | |
50 | 23.70 | |||
50 | 23.70 | |||
06/11/2024 | 16:00:25.810 | 400 | 23.75 | |
400 | 23.75 | |||
400 | 23.75 | |||
06/11/2024 | 15:57:56.642 | 150 | 23.75 | |
150 | 23.75 | |||
150 | 23.75 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:51:31.975 | 15 | 23.95 | |
15 | 23.95 | |||
15 | 23.95 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:45:20.940 | 600 | 24.00 | |
500 | 24.00 | |||
100 | 24.00 | |||
600 | 24.00 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:29:12.327 | 300 | 24.10 | |
300 | 24.10 | |||
300 | 24.10 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:29:03.818 | 700 | 24.10 | |
700 | 24.10 | |||
700 | 24.10 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:25:15.920 | 200 | 24.10 | |
200 | 24.10 | |||
200 | 24.10 | |||
06/11/2024 | 14:21:32.075 | 400 | 24.05 | |
400 | 24.05 | |||
400 | 24.05 | |||
06/11/2024 | 13:56:10.965 | 82 | 24.20 | |
82 | 24.20 | |||
82 | 24.20 | |||
06/11/2024 | 13:52:30.168 | 20 | 24.05 | |
20 | 24.05 | |||
20 | 24.05 | |||
06/11/2024 | 12:44:57.046 | 65 | 24.20 | |
65 | 24.20 | |||
65 | 24.20 | |||
06/11/2024 | 12:40:55.185 | 500 | 24.30 | |
500 | 24.30 | |||
500 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 12:28:42.520 | 10 | 24.35 | |
10 | 24.35 | |||
10 | 24.35 | |||
06/11/2024 | 12:21:45.022 | 25 | 24.35 | |
25 | 24.35 | |||
25 | 24.35 | |||
06/11/2024 | 12:00:06.337 | 84 | 24.30 | |
84 | 24.30 | |||
84 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 11:44:49.070 | 30 | 24.40 | |
30 | 24.40 | |||
30 | 24.40 | |||
06/11/2024 | 11:35:32.931 | 100 | 24.40 | |
100 | 24.40 | |||
100 | 24.40 | |||
06/11/2024 | 11:28:57.915 | 121 | 24.40 | |
121 | 24.40 | |||
121 | 24.40 | |||
06/11/2024 | 10:46:47.103 | 220 | 24.30 | |
220 | 24.30 | |||
220 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 10:42:07.062 | 30 | 24.45 | |
30 | 24.45 | |||
30 | 24.45 | |||
06/11/2024 | 10:31:42.181 | 104 | 24.30 | |
104 | 24.30 | |||
104 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 10:17:25.071 | 408 | 24.45 | |
408 | 24.45 | |||
408 | 24.45 | |||
06/11/2024 | 10:03:48.815 | 30 | 24.30 | |
30 | 24.30 | |||
30 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:31:05.897 | 400 | 24.30 | |
309 | 24.30 | |||
91 | 24.30 | |||
400 | 24.30 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:20:46.343 | 300 | 24.05 | |
300 | 24.05 | |||
300 | 24.05 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:17:34.151 | 400 | 23.85 | |
400 | 23.85 | |||
400 | 23.85 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:16:43.605 | 500 | 23.85 | |
500 | 23.85 | |||
500 | 23.85 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:07:53.059 | 400 | 23.65 | |
400 | 23.65 | |||
400 | 23.65 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:07:46.275 | 600 | 23.70 | |
600 | 23.70 | |||
600 | 23.70 | |||
06/11/2024 | 09:01:34.461 | 254 | 23.60 | |
254 | 23.60 | |||
254 | 23.60 | |||
06/11/2024 | 08:42:30.400 | 10 | 23.65 | |
10 | 23.65 | |||
10 | 23.65 | |||
06/11/2024 | 08:38:53.850 | 315 | 23.65 | |
114 | 23.65 | |||
1 | 23.65 | |||
315 | 23.65 | |||
200 | 23.65 | |||
06/11/2024 | 08:00:09.477 | 25 | 23.65 | |
25 | 23.65 | |||
25 | 23.65 |
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06/11/2024 @ 18:44:01
Last Update:
06/11/2024 @ 18:44:01