Lyxor ETF Euro Cash FCP Actions au Porteur o.N.

WKN Code ISIN Trading Currency
LYX0B6 L8I3 FR0010510800 EUR
Lyxor ETF Euro Cash FCP Actions au Porteur o.N. Chart Lyxor ETF Euro Cash FCP Actions au Porteur o.N. - Intraday
Bid 109.6411
Ask 109.7619
Bid Size 500
Ask Size 500
High 109.7549
Low 109.6801
Last 109.7549
Change +0.05%
Turnover 3 660 TEUR
Volume 33 357
Ø-price 109.7107

Segment: Open Market
ETF (transparent)
non-binding tax Security class traded only in France

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