Lululemon Athletica Inc.
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Date | Time | Volume | Order Volume | Price |
11/10/2024 | 20:26:53.157 | 10 | 254.00 | |
10 | 254.00 | |||
10 | 254.00 | |||
11/10/2024 | 19:45:33.185 | 5 | 253.05 | |
5 | 253.05 | |||
5 | 253.05 | |||
11/10/2024 | 19:45:11.045 | 20 | 253.05 | |
20 | 253.05 | |||
20 | 253.05 | |||
11/10/2024 | 18:28:34.768 | 40 | 253.70 | |
40 | 253.70 | |||
40 | 253.70 | |||
11/10/2024 | 18:10:33.703 | 4 | 253.95 | |
4 | 253.95 | |||
4 | 253.95 | |||
11/10/2024 | 18:08:55.825 | 45 | 254.00 | |
45 | 254.00 | |||
45 | 254.00 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:51:08.008 | 4 | 254.30 | |
2 | 254.30 | |||
4 | 254.30 | |||
2 | 254.30 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:49:27.918 | 1 | 253.90 | |
1 | 253.90 | |||
1 | 253.90 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:39:34.053 | 50 | 253.15 | |
50 | 253.15 | |||
50 | 253.15 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:38:41.744 | 80 | 253.10 | |
80 | 253.10 | |||
80 | 253.10 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:21:38.009 | 6 | 253.40 | |
6 | 253.40 | |||
6 | 253.40 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:21:37.002 | 10 | 252.60 | |
10 | 252.60 | |||
10 | 252.60 | |||
11/10/2024 | 16:15:42.377 | 3 | 251.85 | |
3 | 251.85 | |||
3 | 251.85 | |||
11/10/2024 | 15:06:35.988 | 10 | 250.70 | |
10 | 250.70 | |||
10 | 250.70 | |||
11/10/2024 | 13:49:36.982 | 20 | 250.55 | |
20 | 250.55 | |||
20 | 250.55 | |||
11/10/2024 | 13:49:34.563 | 40 | 250.55 | |
40 | 250.55 | |||
40 | 250.55 | |||
11/10/2024 | 13:49:13.212 | 40 | 250.60 | |
40 | 250.60 | |||
40 | 250.60 | |||
11/10/2024 | 13:46:38.261 | 10 | 250.40 | |
10 | 250.40 | |||
10 | 250.40 | |||
11/10/2024 | 12:49:13.739 | 6 | 249.10 | |
6 | 249.10 | |||
6 | 249.10 | |||
11/10/2024 | 11:52:27.124 | 4 | 250.05 | |
4 | 250.05 | |||
4 | 250.05 | |||
11/10/2024 | 11:31:24.233 | 3 | 248.30 | |
3 | 248.30 | |||
3 | 248.30 | |||
11/10/2024 | 10:50:57.170 | 2 | 248.65 | |
2 | 248.65 | |||
2 | 248.65 | |||
11/10/2024 | 10:39:15.352 | 7 | 248.50 | |
7 | 248.50 | |||
7 | 248.50 | |||
11/10/2024 | 10:17:01.832 | 2 | 250.50 | |
2 | 250.50 | |||
2 | 250.50 | |||
11/10/2024 | 08:58:28.806 | 8 | 250.85 | |
8 | 250.85 | |||
8 | 250.85 |
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11/10/2024 @ 22:00:00